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Welcome to my website and let me introduce myself!

Hi! I'm Noah Lee, a creative designer and media artist. Currently a upcoming senior at NYU Tisch Interactive Media Arts.

I'm Dedicated to exploring the intersection of art and technology, with a passion for storytelling through media arts. Continuously expanding skills in design and multimedia tools, including Blender, Adobe Suite, Unity, and Unreal, complemented by a deep appreciation for cinematic and animated storytelling.

While not working, I love to..

Take pictures, play with Blender and code something


Spend time in school (with friends!)


Play my favorite games!

Want to know more about me?


  • 08/2020~Present

    • ​New York University (New York, NY)

      • ​Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interactive Media Arts (IMA)

  • 01/2017~05/2020

    • BC Collegiate (Seoul, South Korea)

Awards & Honors

  • 2018-2019 BC Collegiate Honor Roll

  • 2019-2020 BC Collegiate Honor Roll

  • 2018 Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing (CEMC): A Certificate of Participation


  • 09/2024~12/2024

    • Reimagined BK, Social Media Intern (Brooklyn, NY, United States) ​

  • 06/2024~07/2024

    • EnhanceB, Student Intern​ (Seoul, South Korea)

      • Participated in EnhanceB’s new brand consultation in cosmetics consulting and manufacturing

      • Worked on 3D modeling for the new skincare brand (Here U Are)

      • Worked on marketing contents (Instagram content) for EnhanceB’s private skincare brand Dr.Rosa

  • 11/2023~03/2024

    • ​NYC Media Lab, Virtual Synesthesia Challenge project participant (New York, NY)

      • Collaboratively engaged in the NYC Media Lab’s Virtual Synesthesia Challenge, a joint initiative with CHANEL’s Global Innovation Practice, combining creativity and technology with a team of peers

      • Spearheaded the creation of an educational resource video by conducting a comprehensive interview with our Interactive Media Arts (IMA) professor, showcasing the ability to bridge academic insights with practical applications

      • Orchestrated the design and development of a visually compelling poster, effectively communicating the essence of the project and enhancing its visibility among target audiences

  • 06/2023~07/2023

    • Art Prep, Teaching assistant (Seoul, South Korea)​

      • Worked as a teaching assistant to the teachers in the art academy

      • Taught students using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop

  • 06/2022~07/2022

    • Able Prep, Teaching assistant (Seoul, South Korea)​

      • Worked as a teaching assistant to a teacher who taught students studying for the SAT

      • Grading practice tests

  • 04/2020~03/2023

    • ​Star Wars Naver Café, Manager, Translation Inspector (Seoul, South Korea)

      • Appointed as one of the board staff with a portfolio of Star Wars Naver Cafe, one of the film’s most representative online communities in Korea (2020)

      • Promoted as "Individual Bulletin Board Staff” (2022)

      • Inspected and coordinated the publication of Star Wars actor Anthony Daniels' memoir "I Am C-3PO: The Inside Story" in Korean

      • Served as a manager for "Thank You My Star" campaign hosted by Naver (Korea's largest web portal) Star Wars fanclub and Make a Wish (Nonprofit organization)

      • Posted announcements, suspended rogue members, and promoted products and activities

  • 01/2020~05/2020

    • BC Collegiate Photography Club, Founder, Head, Photographer (Seoul, South Korea)​

      • Founded a pioneering photography club for 7th grade students, demonstrating leadership and initiative in promoting extracurricular engagement

      • Designed and implemented a comprehensive training program for 7th and 8th grade students, empowering them with the skills to capture compelling photographs

  • 08/2019~05/2020

    • BC Collegiate ​Yearbook Club, Photographer, Designer (Seoul, South Korea)

      • Captured engaging photographs of students and faculty members, providing a visual narrative for the academic year

      • Utilized Adobe InDesign to design and publish the 2019-2020 yearbook, demonstrating proficiency in graphic design software and editorial skills

  • 11/2019

    • Art Prep Exhibition, Artist & Photographer (Seoul, South Korea)​

      • Exhibited a finely crafted small statue, demonstrating skill in sculpture and artistic innovation

      • Displayed a compelling photograph, showcasing photographic expertise and creative vision

Download My Resume!

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